Saturday, November 21, 2009

Adventure, Role-Playing and Gun Towers.

Abandoned Blogs are soooo very 2009. In preparation for the new year, here goes a new revitalized Blogging procedure. Out with perfectionism and procrastination. In with concise and entertaining (fingers crossed) gaming commentary. On with the show.

Im surrounded by epic masterpieces of gaming lately. After purchasing a PS3, Drake's Fortune has me living the life of a cavalier adventurer. What a great game it is. A narrative that is actually interesting, not just there to service a game mechanic. Characters that I..wait for it...actually have an interest in! If games start servicing good story, we'll finally have the interactive story medium that games have long promised us...but have not yet delievered. One too many efforts on par with Drake's Fortune, could see Hollywood toppled as the premier entertainment producer.

Great Story + Great Graphics = Good Times

Sitting alongside Drake in my current gaming repertoire is Bioware's epic, Role Playing behomoth Dragon Age - Origins. Early days at this point, and thus far it seems to have the checklist of modern fantasy games. Big guys in armour, sternly preparing to defend the kingdom from cataclysmic evil. In case gamers didn't realise how important and 'hardcore' their mission is in the game, Bioware have covered everything with layers of blood splashes. Even when wandering about town, my characters seem to be speckled with blood from previous battles. It seems a bit silly at times, but then again fighting endless abominations from the pits of hell is not a hygenic business.

Smaug Mk II ?

My third pillar of gaming at the moment takes the form of an unsettling addiction to Tower Defense games. For the unitiated amongst you, Tower Defense games cater to the control freak in your soul. Build Defensive Towers, and defeat hordes of bad guys that assualt your position. Simple gameplay mechanic, yet horrifically compulsive. Defense Grid is my poison of choice. If you feel the need to line up your salt and pepper shakers 'just right' at dinner time, steer well clear of this gaming genre if you still harbour ambitions of sleep in your life.

I can stop anytime I want to...


  1. If you enjoyed Drake's Fortune, pick up the sequel. Same beautiful graphics, same witty Nathan Drake attitude, but somehow just a bit better! Also, Claudia Black voice acts the new female character, so you can't go past that!

  2. Most definitely! As soon as I finish Drake's Fortune, Im straight onto the sequel. Epic win to be sure. Thanks for the comment!
